19 Day Challenge
Challenge 17: 1 vs 1
Player starts 18yards from goals and has a 1vs.1 action with the defender, moving away from goals, turns & comes back to take the defender on a 2nd time, before shooting on the 18yard line.
Ball must hit the net on full.
Record your score out of ten. Under 10’s shoot from the 12 yard/penalty spot.
For a fitness element do the drill continuously and do 5 push-ups for each miss.
Poles can be used in corners for elite players to test accuracy.
See session plan.

19 Day Challenge
Other Days Challenges
Challenge 19: Shooting Challenge
Challenge 19: Shooting Challenge
Challenge 18: Turning Challenge
Challenge 18: Turning Challenge
Challenge 16: Conditioning
Challenge 16: Conditioning
Challenge 15: Home Run
Challenge 15: Home Run
Challenge 14: Juventus Dribbling
Challenge 14: Juventus Dribbling
Challenge 13: Coloured Gates
Challenge 13: Coloured Gates
Challenge 12: Bin or Box
Challenge 12: Bin or Box
Challenge 11: Shooting
Challenge 11: Shooting
Challenge 10: Conditioning
Challenge 10: Conditioning
Challenge 9: Targets
Challenge 9: Targets
Challenge 8: 20, 40, 60 OR 10, 20, 30
Challenge 8: 20, 40, 60 OR 10, 20, 30
Challenge 7: ShotBox Challenge
Challenge 7: ShotBox Challenge
Challenge 6: 18 Yard Line Challenge
Challenge 6: 18 Yard Line Challenge
Challenge 5: Slalom Challenge
Challenge 5: Slalom Challenge
Challenge 4: 10 Ball Shooting Challenge
Challenge 4: 10 Ball Shooting Challenge
Challenge 3: EXTRA-Conditioning
Challenge 3: EXTRA-Conditioning
Challenge 2: Running Square
Challenge 2: Running Square
Challenge 1: T-Drill
Challenge 1: T-Drill